The I Ching speaks of a few fundamental principles: "After difficulty comes ease." "What is full will empty." "What declines must rise again."
All changes in nature are transformations of yin and yang energies. When something becomes too yang, yin energy takes root and gradually transforms it, and when something becomes too yin, yang energy actively moves to transform it. Therefore, even when yang energy is vibrant and things are going well, one must remember that yang energy will decline and less favorable times will come.
The I Ching tells us that even when we feel completely blocked with no apparent way forward, a path always exists. This is because nothing remains static; everything is constantly changing. The current absence of a path implies that its opposite situation is about to emerge. Thus, if we observe the patterns of change and wait patiently, opportunity will surely come.
The I Ching describes patterns of change using five conceptual terms: 'great development,' 'fortunate,' 'no fault,' 'dangerous,' and 'misfortunate.' However, if your hexagram indicates 'great development,' you're likely in a very difficult situation now.
The mechanism of change always operates relatively. If it's yin now, it will become yang; if declining now, it will become full. Paradoxically, if your fortune shows 'great development,' it means you're currently in a very difficult situation. This suggests your situation will gradually reverse and develop positively. Therefore, when 'great development' appears, to achieve true progress, you must endure current hardships while steadily preparing for the coming time of development. Only those capable of this can develop. Those who merely trust in the favorable hexagram without taking action will only suffer in their current difficulties and never achieve great development.
'Misfortune' means that while things seem good now, the flow of energy will soon change for the worse. Therefore, don't act rashly in current success, but always prepare carefully for coming difficulties.
The principle of natural change ultimately comes down to this: when times are hard, endure while preparing diligently for coming abundance; when successful and praised, remember coming decline and maintain humility. The sage considers both surface and depth, seeking their harmony to maintain balance without falling to either extreme. This is the Middle Way.
Before divination, one must first understand natural principles for the divination to manifest effectively. Without understanding natural principles and only hoping for luck, 'great development' will become 'great hardship,' and 'misfortune' will become 'ruin through intoxication with current success.'
Once you understand natural principles, divination becomes unnecessary. You can discern future changes by observing current patterns. While the changes of all things may seem complex, they actually move according to one simple principle.
When humans understand and align with natural principles, life becomes harmonious and abundant. Natural principles are the way of maintaining harmony and balance. Through this, nature constantly creates abundance and beauty in all things. The ultimate purpose of the I Ching is for humans to maintain harmony and balance in life, just as nature does.
Principles exist within all things and manifest in their changes. Understanding principles can be achieved through observing all things. We can sense principles by observing all things. Thus, though Heaven's will is spread across Earth, we can understand Heaven by observing Earth.